Ant Farmers – Long Term Planners
Ants are amazing creatures, and we have known that for a while now. They can thrive virtually anywhere, they form large super-colonies, and they herd …
Ants are amazing creatures, and we have known that for a while now. They can thrive virtually anywhere, they form large super-colonies, and they herd …
I’m sure with it being the end of summer we’ve all walked through our share of these sticky entrapments spiders set up. Though these webs …
You would think that breeding and raising blood-sucking maggots might not be the best way to preserve an acutely endangered species, but a …
A recent article on Newsweek,written by Christopher Hassall, a lecturer in animal biology at University of Leeds, and originally published in The Conversation, highlighted research into hoverflies, or Syrphidae, …
In a step towards better understanding drug abuse and modeling epidemics such as the opioid crisis that has swept over America, researchers have induced a …
We’ve all heard news about the drought in California, but have you ever stopped to wonder about the effects of insects on the drought? The …
I remember reading a book in elementary school that was about a mad-scientist-esque girl who turns a swarm of cockroaches into an army of microchipped …
Link to the source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/30/science/how-to-talk-to-fireflies.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FInsects&action=click&contentCollection=science®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=10&pgtype=collection&_r=0 The news about an insect that I read is an article published in The New York Times. In the …
Crazy Ants As a typical Rice student traversing campus between classes, work, and various commitments, it is not uncommon for me to walk by many …