Most people are scared of insects. It is a combination of their size, relative ‘non-cuteness’, and stories they have heard of others. If they are not scared, the next common reaction to insects is disgust. “bugs”..”ewww”..”kill it”. These are words, one would expect to hear when most people come in contact with insects. Of all the nightmare scenarios involving insects, one of the scariest is the case of the insect, that falls into your dress. That is exactly what happened to me.

I ran to my room in fear and pain, and quickly tore off my clothes. Alas, the insect had vanished, leaving me with a few bite marks as memoir. A few google searches later, I was assured those were not Asp bitse, but that moment of absolute terror had only re-affirmed by suspicion of all tiny animals.
Asp photo credit – Pollo Libre,