Bumping into Bugs: A Sick Cicada
Growing up in the city of Houston, I’ve grown to associate hot summer nights with not only the sensation of stifling humidity, but with the …
Growing up in the city of Houston, I’ve grown to associate hot summer nights with not only the sensation of stifling humidity, but with the …
Two summers ago, I had the chance to go backpacking in Virginia, in the Appalachian mountains. One night, it got pretty late, and I hadn’t …
Growing up in hill-country in California, I had a few early informative encounters with insects. Let’s start with a lesson I learned about respecting wildlife …
Of all romances, annoying as they may be, the mating of lovebugs is probably one of the biggest nuisances. Last spring, I personally witnessed this …
TERMITES!!!!! Such a sight near your home is enough to strike fear into the heart of any homeowner. These are none other than termites, everyone’s …
During Advisor Training, Wiess does an activity called Candlelight where we reflect on the week leading up to O-Week and all the Advisors have a …
The warm, humid weather of Houston is perfect for insects of all kinds to flourish. Being a born here, I am not usually bothered by …
Well, maybe encounters would be a more appropriate term. This past summer, I spent at least 15 hours a week outside in the live oak …
I spent my Labor Day weekend on a ranch plotting out possible mountain bike trails and camping with some fellow Brown collegiates. Between …
On one of my first days of O-week we were having cheer battle practice, which generally includes marching across the grass and yelling different cheers …